This post was originaly published to Stuff the Box on 27 Apr 2014

On Twitter and on Alpha, I am @SmithPlatts.
My GitHub, HG, and SVN usernames and/or repositories are called SmithPlatts.
Heck, even my author name on my old blog was @SmithPlatts.

So, I have created a new logo to reflect my personal and online presence:

I have converted it to many different sizes and it scales very well. The original is 1000 x 1000 px, but I have scaled it down to 16 x 16 px, i.e. for a low resolution icon, and it still looks good!

Now, whenever I need a logo/image that warrants a less personal touch, I will use this new one. I will also be incorporating it into things I develop where I do not have a custom icon/logo.

I have also been contemplating a new blog.

When I first created this blog, I had no idea of what I wanted to use it for; no purpose. It was a place I could just jot down ideas, thoughts, rants, etc.

But alas, I could not connect with its purpose. I found its premise to be an obstacle as I required too much focus to post anything, and I would lose interest or would find the idea of writing a post too energy consuming.

So, I have been contemplating creating a new blog. One that is primarily focused on code and software development, but not restricted to it. Since going down this path of software development, I have really felt that I have found my path, my calling. I love coding. So what better way to focus my thoughts then with a blog that actually reflects my passions.

Once I create the new blog, and migrate my posts over, I will let you all know :)