This post was originaly published to Stuff the Box on 1 Mar 2014

I have been creating a .NET Outlook addin lately1 and it has been an incredible learning journey. I have had to support 3 generations of Outlook, using the base bottom COM feature/API set (oldest supported; 2007), and have still had to stay within the speed requirements of the latest supported (2013) :-/

One thing that perplexed me was how I could hook in, early enough, to the addin load/startup process to subscribe to the AppDomain.UnHandledException and Application.ThreadException event handlers so that I can log exceptions. This is desired because Outlook is so damned efficient that it decides to kill an addin as soon as it exhibits signs of exceptional behaviour.

The Hunt

So, after looking around, I found nothing! I could not find a single site that outlined how the base method invocations are called and in what order :-(

Never fear, however, because I have Debug.WriteLine() and an Output window!
So, this is the method invocation of my addin23:

  1. AddInName(factory, serviceProvidor) - your addin’s primary constructor
  2. Initialize()
  3. InitializeCachedData()
  4. InitializeControls()
  5. InitializeComponents()
  6. InitializeData()
  7. InitializeDataBindings()
  8. BeginInitialization()
  9. BindToData()
  10. EndInitialization()
  11. FinishInitialization()
  12. OnStartup()

When I see it laid out like this, it’s kinda logical haha
There were other methods in the base class, but at addin load/startup they were not called; so I did not investigate further as this served my purpose4.

The Hunt’s Rewards

So after all that, it turns out that all I have is some trophies to hang on the wall5 instead of a nice dinner for the family6.

What I have discovered is that the best practices for VSTO addin’s is to use lots of try { } catch { } blocks around all executed code :-/

It is still accepted to add the desired UnHandledException (and ThreadException7) catch/es, but you shouldn’t rely on them alone. What I have done is create an internal static void UnHandledException(...) method that can be called from anywhere and log the details. It does a throw at the end so that the addin gets disabled by Outlook, as it should.

All this just to get logging so that I could identify what was causing an exception on that damn unsupported OS … which turned out to be in vain! I forgot that I had updated the addin to .NET 4.5 for a new feature of which I had created and added, but the unsupported OS that was having the exception only supports up to .NET 4. Yes, I am that daft! haha

Alas, the journey and experience was worth it; I hope you may gain some benefit from my playing :-D

Happy coding!

  1. Mainly for fun, and in my own time … however it does have a work purpose ;-P 

  2. As you may have noticed, I am a C# developer. I can, and do (because I have to), develop in VB.NET, but C# is my playground and I love it! 

  3. These method names appear in AddInName.Designer.cs within the base AddInName class; although there are other classes in that file, they did not appear to load on startup for my addin. Your mileage may vary. 

  4. If you do more investigation, I would love to hear about your results! 

  5. A list on a blog of what runs and in what order :/ 

  6. An identified entry point for an AppDomain.UnHandledException and/or an Application.ThreadException 

  7. You will need to specify the full namespace path to System.Windows.Forms.Application as the default Application reference will resolve to Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook which doesn’t have a ThreadException event to subscribe to.