This post was originaly published to Stuff the Box on 23 Nov 2013

I hate starting things and then not finishing them.
Some things work great when treated as an always incomplete project; but, for the most part, I hate the practice.

I managed to not only start, but complete two personal projects: Coffee Buzz and PromoteNTA. This was an amazing feeling to complete and release them!

When developing them, I signed up for an account with Assembla and created a private SVN1 repository so that I can commit to and track changes and progress. I was using the commit messages to keep track of items to-do; sadly this wasn’t ideal.

I have recently upgraded the account to include ticketing features. This now allows me to create tasks against the different little projects that I am committing so that I can easily see what is left to do and how close to release I am.

With these new features in Assembla active, I have embarked on:

Hopefully, by setting up the ticketing support, this blog post and other factors, it may help keep me on track and complete these projects!

Time will tell … ;P

  1. There are many different types of version control; I use SVN as I like the centralized model and find it very powerful. I have also been looking into Mercurial but haven’t set aside the time to tinker yet.